This is a long journey. The bike event is seasonal due to the northeast monsoon in the winter. Therefore, it’s easier to finish this challenge. The route overview: The total distance is 355.66 km and the Total ascent is 775 m The colour of the line means the speed. The photos: Luckily, the weather is quite …
Category Archives: Cycling Dao
台中騎輪節2023(Cycling around Taichung 2023)
It is a famous cycling festival in Taichung, but I first time participated in this event. The route overview: The total distance is 107.83 km and the Total ascent is 711 m The colour of the line means the speed. The photos: It is a nice event. The traffic control is quite okay and there …
順時針宇老(Bike to Yulao)
It’s my first time to ride this route. Because my company offers a subsidy for travelling each year, I can live in Hsinch after a long ride. Therefore, I plan this route with my friend. The route overview: Total distance is 122.82 km and Total ascent is 2,274 m The colour of the line means …
東進武嶺(Bike to Wuling from East)
The last time I visited Wuling was almost nine years ago. There are three routes to Wuling. West is from Puli. North is from Yilan. East is from Hualien. I experienced the west and north route by bike before, but I never rode the east route. So, this time I decided to ride the east …
單車遊太平山(Bike to Taiping Mountain)
It is a pleasant bike journey again. Taiping Mountain is a mountain in Yilan. Giant, a famous bike manufacturer in Taiwan, hosts the event. We start at 7:00 AM. If cycling with a pleasure speed, you will spend around 6 to 7 hours. The route overview: Total distance is 57 km and Total ascent is …
It is a nice trip to visit these routes again after several years. By a bike with a group of people, it is a new experience of cycling with a lot of people. The weather is nice, the view is awesome. 上次以單車造訪這條公路,已是快十年前的環島之旅。那年環島13人浩浩蕩蕩由南至北,經花東縱谷走玉長公路橫切海岸山脈到台11線。那是個炎熱的夏天,炙亮的陽光伴隨著鹹鹹的海風,海面粼粼的波光,好不刺眼,是說,青春的氣息,我依稀記得。 第9天從豐濱往新城,從民宿離開,大隊先行,我以自己的踩踏殿後,沿途享受這獨處的時刻。過了芭崎瞭望台已近中午。 在路上遇到簡易的攤販,一把大花傘一個板凳,賣著芭蕉,青草茶,是位老奶奶在顧攤,小聊幾句,竟然請我吃中餐,簡單的青菜與花生配白飯,是如此的美味。 老太太和老爺爺有個花園,有種香蕉,後來還有示範怎麼將香蕉炊熟,把香蕉放入一個大桶子且放入乙炔石後密封,真的很有意思。 今年剛好有停辦數年的環花東活動,沒想太多就順勢報名了,主要是想找尋可愛的老奶奶老爺爺。那時智慧型手機的功能尚未成熟,沒有拍照同時記錄地點,出發前用Google街景看了幾個可能的地點,大概記錄下可能的里程數,並不抱著太大的期望。 活動第一天抵達可能地點時,找不到門鈴,大聲呼叫了幾聲後,五分鐘後只有小黑狗來應門,吠了約十分鐘,我想真的沒有人在家吧。就留下了腰果伴手禮和紙條,離開了,繼續我的環花東之旅。 沿途風景秀麗,天氣宜人,輕踏著踏板向前,左邊是深藍的太平洋,右邊是青綠的海岸山脈作陪。 另一個原因是造訪那時應該要到三仙台,十多位夥伴當時想把我踩扁在地上,因為沒到。 第二天,基本上努力騎車,不能讓同行的夥伴等待太久,所以沒有什麼照片拉。 其中有一段個人覺得是最艱辛,那就是舞鶴台地,雖然不陡,但是騎到基本上已經沒有太多了力氣了,只能以最慢速前進。 活動結束後,在返程的遊覽車路上,約晚上九點多時,未知來電響起,想說這時候誰會打來,還是支家用電話。接起後,原來是老爺爺老奶奶的小女兒,感到非常驚喜,但很遺憾地得知老爺爺已在前一個月成了天使,真的是心揪了一下。 如果真的有想去實踐的事,就馬上規劃,著手進行,否則,一不經意,那些人事物就會被遺落了久遠,不再。 C Dao …