Study Operations Research (3): Theory at Coursera

This is the final course of this series. Because this course focuses on the theories behind the algorithms introduced in the first and second courses. There are many math prove and derive, so I’m not going to explain the details. I’ll mention the key points I learned from this course. If you want to know …

Setup Gurobi and Python on Windows

This post introduces how to install Gurobi and Python on Windows OS. It’s critical to finish the final assessment of the second course of Operations Research. These steps are easy, just need a little bit of patience. Overview Download Gurobi You need to register a membership first. No worries, it is free. Download Python Now, …

Study Operations Research (2): Optimization Algorithms at Coursera

This is the second course of Operations Research. I think several pieces of knowledge are useful according to my experience. Learned Things About Algorithm It explains what algorithms are used to solve linear programming, integer programming and nonlinear programming. A simplex method is a method by the matrix operations to find the optimal solution on …

Study Operations Research (1): Models and Applications at Coursera

To take “Operations Research” course has been on my to-do list since I was a graduate student. Even though my thesis was done by using dynamic programming and non-linear programming, I solved a scheduling problem by using integer programming in my company.However, I don’t have a chance to accomplish it due to time constraints. Now, …

A Journey of Studying ‘Machine Learning with Python’

Introduction I saw this course in a Facebook advertisement in January. I used my first machine-learning package almost 6 years ago. At that moment, I used R to do that. It’s an issue types classification task by a decision tree algorithm. Later, I tried many other machine learning algorithms such as cluster, association, regression and …

Multithreading & Parallel Computing in Python

If you spend too much time waiting for your program to get the result of a research experiment. Or your user complains about your service all the time about waiting too long. Then, this post could provide a helpful tip for you. You must be wondering what is Multithreading & Parallel Computing and the difference …

Use VS Code to Create Your First Flask ‘Hello, World!’

Visual Studio Code is a free and powerful IDE for python development. Recently, I decided to switch from Visual Studio 2017 to VS code due to it is more light and straightforward. Okay, let’s make a Flask “Hello, World!” to demonstrate how to install and use it. First, download the VS code from the link. …

Making a Chatbot by Streamlit

The chatbot is an automation tool to reduce customer service costs and increase satisfaction. It becomes feasible due to the breakthrough of natural language processing techniques nowadays. In this post, I’ll make a simple chatbot by open-source resource on the internet. There is a package that can make a chat list in the streamlit referred …

Make a Fun Quiz for Your Partner on Valentine’s Day by Streamlit

Yesterday is Valentine’s day, maybe a normal gift such as a flower, a cake can’t give a surprise to your partner too much nowadays. Because I’m studying Streamlit recently. So, I’m thinking why not do a fun quiz for surprising. Before I show how to create an easy and fun Streamlit quiz website, let me …