A Journey of Studying ‘Machine Learning with Python’

Introduction I saw this course in a Facebook advertisement in January. I used my first machine-learning package almost 6 years ago. At that moment, I used R to do that. It’s an issue types classification task by a decision tree algorithm. Later, I tried many other machine learning algorithms such as cluster, association, regression and …

Multithreading & Parallel Computing in Python

If you spend too much time waiting for your program to get the result of a research experiment. Or your user complains about your service all the time about waiting too long. Then, this post could provide a helpful tip for you. You must be wondering what is Multithreading & Parallel Computing and the difference …

Setup Virtual Environment in Python

In this post, I’ll demonstrate how to set up a virtual environment in python. It’s quite important to set up a virtual environment when you’ve developing different projects. The package and python version may be different according to the practical request. In the virtual environment, you can install what you need and it won’t influence …

Key Concept of Selecting Data from DataFrame in Python

As a data scientist or analyst, you must use python to manipulate data quite often. And using the pandas and numpy package is the popular way to do it. However, as a beginner or intermediate level python user, you must be confused about how to get the data from a DataFrame and try to google …